SALVECO laboratory plant-based chemistry pioneer

Plant-based chemistry: the future of your company

If you think it is possible to transform your business so that it generates real value and not just profit, then you are in the right place!

In this article, you’ll learn why it’s imperative for your company to move toward healthier, environmentally friendly alternatives and how to create value by accelerating this green transition.

Salveco, Plant-based chemistry: the future of your company

An awareness of the climate emergency

A "green" trend

In this context of climate emergency, the choice of more natural products with fewer chemicals has become a priority for consumers: “More than half of French households now buy at least one ecological cleaning product,” says the Kantar Institute. Moreover, in the detergent department, “eco-labels have seen their sales jump by 30% over a year on specialist references (colors, wool…)” against an overall  decline of 10% in this segment.”

The French government is currently creating a “Toxiscore” with the Anses. This labeling system will make it possible to list and classify household products according to their degree of toxicity (in the same way as the nutri-score and the carbon score). Thus, the consumer will be directly informed about health risks such as allergies or cancers, as well as the risks linked to the use of these products on the environment.

The emphasis on healthier and environmentally friendly products shows a real willingness on the part of French and European consumers to adopt an eco-responsible approach. Petrochemical products, products containing endocrine disruptors or other toxic products are more likely to be boycotted.

Corporate Social Responsibility: Can we do without it?

Implementing a CSR approach can be restrictive at the beginning, but it can also be a source of many benefits for the company in the long term.

By changing certain habits and practicing more eco-friendly actions within your company, you can save money. In addition, your employees who share the same values will have a sense of accomplishment and will be more motivated to work in better conditions.

Indeed, showing that you care about people and the environment sends a strong message to your customers and employees. It can even make the difference between you and many of your competitors because you stand out, while having an impact on society. 

You show that your company is committed to values that go beyond profit, and that the company is sustainable and can afford to do this.

Beware of greenwashing! For your communication campaign to be successful, it is relevant to pass audits to obtain labels and certificates that will highlight your CSR approach and enhance its value.

How can I make my company go green?

Many solutions are possible to turn to a healthier and more environmentally friendly product range:

Developing your own detergent and biocide formulas:

You can, of course, develop your product formulas through R&D, patent acquisition, and MA/SMA … BUT you risk getting lost in the regulations and it will take you years, and a lot of money.  Or you can also …

Qualified suppliers in the field of 100% natural biocides and detergents

The second solution would be to choose to use qualified suppliers, who already have experience in the field and have MA/SMAs to save you precious time.


At SALVECO, we choose to share our 100% plant-based formulas with you, precisely to enable you to achieve your goals in just 6 months!

With our European MA, you will also benefit from the authorization to market your own range in all European countries, which will save you precious time that you can reinvest elsewhere!

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