OUR STRENGTHS as supplier and partner:
- Creating innovative formulas derived 100% from plant chemistry in a complete break with the use of fossil molecules excluding any substance of concern, guaranteeing eco-responsible sourcing in compliance with REACH, CLP Regulations and the objectives of PSNE 4 .
- Data control of toxicity and ecotoxicity, supported by specific and independent test protocols demonstrating their effectiveness and control of their impact on health and the environment.
- Marketing authorization ensuring their immediate availability on the European market. SALVECO was the first company to obtain AMMS in Europe for its disinfection products back in 2014, and remains the leader in regulatory compliance for biocides with a favourable health and environmental profile.
- Know-how history in manufacturing and packaging of innovative biocidal products, in the respect of environmentally friendly industrial processes.
- Ethical and responsible information to the consumer. Any usurpation of environmental or health claims being prohibited (in strict compliance with applicable legislation for the protection of users and in accordance with art.72 of the BPR).
YOUR BENEFITS, under commercial agreements with SALVECO guarantees you:
- Access to technology effibioz patents that will protect your brands from your competitors, in disinfectant product ranges with a favourable toxicological profile, with an attractive formulation for the market and the consumer.
- Product conformity and their privileged access to the French and European market within the framework of MA and AMMS (marketing authorisations)
- Mastering of the rules of the art of disinfection and also those to come: CSS (issues revision of regulations to 2024); the law of 30 October 2018 called Loi EGalim, etc.
SALVECO offers a global know-how integrating new standards applicable to environmental health guaranteeing:
- A responsible communication
- The respect of your commitments in CSR
- Your independence
- The protection of your interetests vis-à-vis your competitors, and is positioned as the reference partner to accompany the ecological transition in the detergents, hygiene and disinfectants sector.